by Okanagan Life | Jan 28, 2019 | In Person |
Deep in the Horseshoe Canyon of Southern Alberta, Dr. David Evans has made his most recent find—a new species of dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous epoch. “The delicate bones of these small feathered dinosaurs are very rare; we were lucky to have a critical piece of...
by Okanagan Life | Oct 9, 2018 | In Person, Okanagan Women |
Choosing a slice of the planet For Linda Edgecombe it’s one scarf, one book, one girl The edgy feminist, parks-staffer-turned-speaker and author from Kelowna, Linda Edgecombe, admits she has a competitive streak. “I like being good at what I do, but I also have a...
by Judie Steeves | Jun 29, 2018 | Good Neighbours, In Person, Print Edition
A test of humanity For Shei and Nic Seaton of Summerland, creators of the annual Test of Humanity mountain bike race — a fund-raiser for Canadian Humanitarian’s work educating vulnerable children in Ethiopia — this is their “passion project.” For the thousands who...
by Okanagan Life | Jul 6, 2016 | In Person, Okanagan Women
Educator/artist Nancy Holmes is the co-founder of the Border Free Bees project; see what you can do A swarm of kindergarten kids is buzzing through the field, their excitement contagious. “I’ve found a bee,” shouts one. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard that phrase said...
by Okanagan Life | Jun 1, 2016 | In Person, Okanagan Women
Major events planned for 100th anniversary of Summerland Ornamental Gardens They’re less likely to be wearing long skirts and fashionable little hats, but 100 years after the Summerland Ornamental Gardens were first created, people still come to picnic on the...
by Okanagan Life | Jan 9, 2016 | In Person
Something fishy: Where the environment knows no borders, wildlife may pay a high price Growing up around Prince Rupert and the Skeena River had a deep impact on Okanagan Nation Alliance fisheries biologist Richard Bussanich, giving him a strong love of everything fish...
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