by Kim Foreman-Rhindress | Nov 27, 2019 | Books, Culture, Featured Stories, Print Edition |
Shelley Wood’s debut historical novel tops best-seller list In the 1930s, public appetite was insatiable for news and images of the Dionne quintuplets. Before reality TV shows and viral videos, the unlikely survival of five identical babies in a small town in...
by Okanagan Life | Jan 3, 2018 | Books, Community, News
More than 30 budding writers from across the valley put their writing skills to the test in Okanagan College’s 8th Annual 3-Hour Short Story contest and second-year arts student Hannah Stanley has been announced as the overall winner for her original story “The Best...
by Okanagan Life | Nov 17, 2017 | Books
Author David Allen A song for swinging What inspired you to write (and illustrate) this book? My kids. Reading is so important to us; cozying up together is a very special time and doing crafts together re-ignited my passion for drawing. Why gibbons? We were reading a...
by Okanagan Life | Jul 14, 2016 | Books
Author of Really Good F Words Your interactive gudie to self-care A Q&A with Laurie Carter Love the title of your book. Thank you—I’m glad it caught your attention. Why did you write a book about self-care? Two reasons. In addition to authoring this book, I am...
by Okanagan Life | Mar 8, 2016 | Books
UBC’s Anne Fleming has just completed a pretty a tough job. Fleming, who is the Creative Writing program coordinator at UBC’s Okanagan campus, has been working on the committee to short list the winners of the annual short story contest. The 18th annual Okanagan Short...
by Okanagan Life | Mar 4, 2016 | Books
Four Okanagan Authors will be at Chapters in Kelowna on March 12 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to sign their children’s books. Several of the illustrators who worked on the books will be in attendance as well. Kelowna’s prolific freelancer writer, instructor and...
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