by Okanagan Life | Jan 18, 2012 | Rearview |
There’s a group of greedy individuals in Lower Manhattan who think that they deserve more than their fair share. Their selfishness blinds them to the fact that most people on the planet have drastically less than they do. They appear to be concerned only with...
by Okanagan Life | Jan 13, 2012 | Community |
Jeremy Woo doesn’t do things for others to gain glory, accolades or attention, he reaches out because it fills him up. “When you help someone else, you feel and they feel better. There’s twice the benefit,” says Jeremy, a 17-year-old, Grade 12 Kalamalka Secondary...
by Okanagan Life | Jan 13, 2012 | Good Neighbours |
If you’re on the edge, don’t see a way out, don’t know how to face the future, dedicated volunteers like Maria Boruta at the Kelowna Crisis Line are ready to listen 24-7 at 250.763.9191 As a Crisis Line volunteer Maria’s voice is her signature. Our first meeting is on...
by Okanagan Life | Jan 13, 2012 | Culture |
It’s a cold winter evening. I gather my jacket around me, tucking my hands into its folds and shrugging my shoulders to block the wind from my neck. I scurry into a warmly lit store, and see a table circled by eager 20-somethings, chatting and laughing as they pull...
by Okanagan Life | Jan 13, 2012 | In Person, Okanagan Women |
“I feel like we were put on this planet to help one another,” says Hannah Paracholski a 14-year-old Vernon Secondary School student. “I think we should go out of our way to do so whether the person is next door or far away.” When Hannah sets her mind to something, it...
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