by Okanagan Life | May 15, 2012 | Wine & Food |
A hill overlooking Kelowna International Airport may seem an unusual site for an estate winery, but for Dutch native Richard Kamphuys and his wife Jitske, it’s a perfectly sensible spot to grow quality grapes and make fine wine. When the couple first immigrated...
by Okanagan Life | May 15, 2012 | Paul's Voice |
“I think, therefore I am.” Is this statement false or true? Last year I wrote about an author who claimed to know the happiest region or city in which to live. I wondered out loud if the Okanagan might be it, or if it could ever be that place? I concluded it...
by Okanagan Life | May 15, 2012 | In Person |
Derek Frechette was intrigued by the rich, red piece of Australian jarrah. It’s a wood not often seen on this side of the Pacific because of its rarity and the fact that it’s hard on tools, dulling them quickly, even in the hands of a highly skilled woodworker. But...
by Okanagan Life | May 15, 2012 | Culture |
A giant metal hand sits on a track that runs along the ceiling. A hard push sends it lumbering across the room, the forged knuckles almost dragging across the cement floor. Down the hall, bushels of hair, severed and splayed, fill a darkened room. Down the hall,...
by Okanagan Life | May 15, 2012 | Community |
Get the inside story on the people behind the legalese. Richard Enns – Compass Law | Tessmer Law | Nadine Casey French Law | Robert O. Levin Law Office | Okimaw Law | Blakely & Company | Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law | William Clarke – Courtyard Law...
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