For over 40 years I absolutely loved being a journalist, magazine owner, editor and publisher of Okanagan Life, Lethbridge Magazine, Thompson Life and Medicine Hat Life. I started by publishing the Alberta Dusters Semi-Pro Basketball Program in 1980 in Lethbridge and continued with Lethbridge Magazine in the Spring of 1981 and Okanagan Life in the Fall of 1988.
Okanagan Life was put out of business – read assassinated – by predatory monopolies from the Silicone Valley that used smear campaigns, click fraud, fake consumer bots, lies and hucksterism, that circumvented any human understanding, which enabled a killing-dooms-day-machine that destroyed small business media like Okanagan Life here and around the world.
The duopoly of Google and Facebook have (fraudulently) gained 40-50% of ALL of earth’s advertising dollars through a Ponzi-style scheme; using bots, click fraud and misdirection to gain a staggering 90 – 99% of all (revenue) growth in digital every year. Google was the biggest corporation on the planet – nearly a trillion dollar enterprise. FB is not far behind. There are far-too-many too-big-to-fail-USA-monopolies in Canada and around the world right now, so I thought that will feature an exceptional feature by Anthony J. Hall, Professor Emeritus from the University of Lethbridge, my hometown.
It is called Canada Is Older Than the USA.
I now call upon EVERY reader of Okanagan Life to SHARE this story, share our website and share an idea on how we will become a force to combat the past 30 years of excruciatingly terrible and plain bad journalism (emphasis on the past 5 years) that has broken every journalism world record for lies, depravity and disgust.
Okanagan Life, along with Lethbridge Magazine, Thompson Life and Medicine Hat Life, vow to vet, research and report the truth – from this day forward.
Welcome to a new world.
John Paul Byrne
Publisher, Editor, Playwright, Humanitarian, Truth En-lighter.
Congratulations….well done Paul.