A Guest Column by Peter Petrosino Responding to “Canada Is Older Than the USA.”
In the words of former Canadian PM, Jean Chretien, US President Donald Trump has made “unacceptable insults” and ‘unprecedented threats” targeting Canada. But what can you expect of a US President that as former Commander-In-Chief gave the military orders to unleash on humanity in Operation Warp Speed, a toxic gene-modifying bioweapon.
We still do not know the full extent of the worldwide effects in terms of heightened morbidity, crippling injuries, agonizing ailments, infertility, shortened lives, ruined immune systems and many more catastrophes. Try as he might to deny what he did, Trump sicked on the global population the military bioweapons developed by the US Department of Defence.
A very secretive branch of the US Armed Forces developed the bioweapons as military “countermeasures” not subject to medical regulation. In doing so the US war criminals had many accomplices in their Crimes Against Humanity. This global network of accomplices were be subject to more international investigation and criminal proceedings if German authorities were not holding the world’s foremost authority on the subject, Reiner Fuellmich, in prison.
In my opinion the outgoing PM, Justin Trudeau, should be be subject to the same sort of fate in court and in jail that should have already been delivered on COVID CRIME BOSS, Dr. Anthony Fauci. The fact that the USA and Canada and many other countries lack a credible criminal justice system, has helped plunge the world into the mess we are in now. Is Trump going to reverse the trend or add more momentum to the rapid civilization descent?
The clot shots masquerading as a cure for COVID-19 have been confirmed to be bioweapons by Dr. Francis Boyle. Dr, Boyle drafted the US adhesion to the UN’s Biological Weapons Convention. Of him Rhoda Wilson reports,
“Dr. Boyle is considered one of the world’s leading legal experts on biological weapons and he drafted the US Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act (“the Act”), which was passed into law in 1989 to implement the Biological Weapons Convention and to criminalize the development, production and possession of biological weapons.
In his affidavit for Dr. Sansone’s case, Dr. Boyle stated that covid injections violate the Act. He asserted that “covid-19 injections,” “covid-19 nanoparticle injections,” and “mRNA nanoparticle injections” are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction which violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).”
As a native-born (White) Canadian with a Ph.D. in Canadian History, I have attempted to reply to President Trump’s “insults and threats” to Canadians. It is not an auspicious beginning to the Trump presidency that he resort back to the stereotype of the ugly American imperialist pushing around his weaponized weight. It used to be that back packers from the US often put Canadian flag symbols on themselves so they would not face so much hostility from local people in their journies.
I replied to Trump and those following his dubious exploits in a lengthy essay providing much rare historical context. The essay is entitled “Canada is Older Than the USA.” In the comments I received a reply from Peter Petrosino, a US citizen. He wrote:
“Thank you Professor Hall for a very well composed history of the land of our northern neighbors. I live only a few minutes south of the border between our countries and Donald Trump, like any politician, does not speak for me and tens of millions like me. I am disgusted by the open promotion of a return to an expansionist American stance and hope that people can begin to apply some of the discernment that they may have gained from the COnVID debacle to the black pit that is modern politics. My family and I have always cherished our many jaunts into Canada and the sterling nature of the Canadian people is matched only by the beautiful landscapes. Both of our nations are suffering under similar societal upheavals and I hope that we can continue to support each other in our fight to rid ourselves of the seemingly endless supply of parasitic, self-serving and self-proclaimed “leaders” that have usurped our governments.
I reached out to Peter inviting him to to write a guest column. He accepted my request. Of course I was very pleased to get an eloquent reply from an individual alert to the dangers of allowing the Canada-US antagonism to seep into the general population of both countries.
We have been sliced and diced in so many ways by the predators. Now Trump is deploying the same strategy of divide-and-conquer. Hence Petrosino’s plea for solidarity between the enlightened branches of the North American population on all three sides of the Canada-US-Mexico borders is timely and strategic. Thank you Peter Petrosino for your contribution to “Looking Out at the World from Canada.”
An SOS From the United States on the Perils of Donald Trump’s Resort to Economic Warfare with the Goal of Annexing Canada as the USA’s 51st State
by Peter Petrosino
As an American, especially during this period of dark kabuki theatre promulgated by the U.S. government, I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to our geographic neighbors Canada and Mexico. We in the United States are truly fortunate to share the continent with such gracious and wonderful people as you. I hope you can appreciate that there are millions of other Americans like me who neither condone nor support the provocative rhetoric, aggressive posturing, and economic threats of our political administration towards your nations.
My life has been immeasurably enriched by interactions with the peoples of Canada and Mexico and yet, over these same years, you have been remarkably tolerant of the too often boorish and unabashedly elitist behaviors of our red, white and blue political machine. I am embarrassed that American media frequently portrays your countries as inferior to ours, laying the groundwork for the recent depictions of your homelands as desirable targets for colonization, not worthy of your own sovereignty.
Unfortunately, like yours, our country has grown sick with a deeply entrenched, parasitic political class who are entirely beholden to ultra-wealthy corporatists and not to the citizens. As our politicians now openly salivate over the natural resources of your countries and the resulting financial gains the parasite class would enjoy as a result of plundering your lands, we are outraged by these initiatives proposed in the name of the American people.
The brazen calls to annex your nations illustrate an alarming disregard for the sanctity of your peoples and cultures. There are millions like me who recognize the underlying motivations for these loathsome initiatives – money and power. The fraudulent global financial system has ballooned into a colossal Ponzi scheme and, as a result of their insatiable greed, the wealthy and their political servants now face an imminent collapse of the system that enables them to victimize those beneath them.
Financial cannibalism has already begun, as nations and mega-corporations are quickly moving to devour the assets of others in the hope that this will somehow avert the inevitable death of the very system that they have selfishly bled dry. Mainstream and alternative media work diligently to engender fear and anxiety and sow division among the populace and it is understandable that too many have a bleak outlook for our future. However, many of us feel strongly that we may actually stand at the dawn of a potential new renaissance and those in power are fearful that there might be an enlightenment of the public.
It is in our nature to assign permanence to the institutions and social constructs around us, however, corrupted governments and their distorted political and corporate offspring are transitory, living out their days and finally dying like cultural weeds. On the other hand, we the people of all nations are the continuity of human society, the fertile soil from which better plants will always grow. The bonds forged between us as individuals and the deep interconnections we construct together weave the fabric of human society that endures beyond even the most extreme upheavals.
I must also address the countless others like me, spread out across the globe, who strive to live with their eyes open and can readily see behind the lies, manipulations, and propaganda that inundates us. I cannot stress strongly enough this message – you are not alone. Our numbers are vast and are growing. We “truth seers” pose an existential threat to those few clinging to the reins of power. Even more threatening are those of us with the courage to become “truth speakers”, verbalizing what we see and attempting to awaken the others around us.
In response to the threat created by our dissemination of truth, we truth speakers have been subjected to what has been historically considered the most severe of all punishments – exile. Not exile in the sense of physically removing one from the people and places we hold most dear, but, instead, the modern, more civilized and especially cruel version of exile that involves the shattering of the vital interpersonal bonds between us and the people most important in our lives, resulting in a devastating form of social isolation.
Surrounded by family, members of our communities, and colleagues, but shunned and denounced by them, we have suffered deep emotional and psychic wounds. And yet, we still stand. We cannot, nor would we wish to “unsee” the truths we have seen, because living in accordance with truth is right and just and is truly nourishment for the soul. I salute all truth seers and speakers and encourage us all to actively seek each other out, that we may draw strength from one another and find deeper truths.
Paradoxically, we are quite possibly members of a group that humanity needs most, but desires least. And yet, we bear the responsibility of safeguarding our societies through these tumultuous times. You have surely noticed by now that many people will agree with you privately, a fraction of those may even be willing to stand behind you publicly, but only the special few can muster the fortitude to stand alongside you. May we then all keep in mind the ancient Norse adage: “If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them. If they stand against you, defeat them.”