Tattoos: from rebel to conformist

Who decides where to draw the line? When Vernon personal trainer Stacy Fuhr completed her first sprint triathlon in May 2002, she celebrated by getting a tiny red and orange sunburst tattoed inside her right ankle. “It represents my accomplishment of something I was...

Garagiste winemakers

Garagiste winemakers A garage can make for a passionate first crush At 650 metres above sea level, Forgotten Hill Wine Co. is the highest-elevation vineyard in the South Okanagan — a nod to a tract of land way up the hill on a forested, gravel road past Naramata. Like...
Okanagan money matters

Okanagan money matters

Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto may make the top 10 list of the most liveable cities in the world, but for Okanaganites, our scenic valley with its natural beauty and mid-sized-city vibe make this a home like no other. Despite the beauty around us, money matters are...