Randomness of Fire: Peachland Heros

Randomness of Fire: Peachland Heros

“Have you ever been forced to leave your home because of a threatening fire?” asked my brother Danny in a hurried call last January. Danny lives south of Calgary on what British Columbians would call the bald prairie. Before I could visualize anything remotely...
Okanagan Jewellers

Okanagan Jewellers

The Okanagan Valley is a region of glamorous communities that boasts some of the most exciting jewellery stores in Canada. This special section gives you a wonderful opportunity to explore gift options for the coming holiday season.  Posh Step through the doors of...
Giving Others a Boost

Giving Others a Boost

  At the end of a gorgeous summer afternoon I pass through the entrance to Heaven’s Gate. Guided by a couple of smiling volunteers I squeeze into the winery’s jam-packed parking lot, then make my way to the patio where I spot a tiny dynamo darting purposefully...