A new kind of crime

A new kind of crime

My wife and I recently watched in horror as scenes from Mosul in northern Iraq were broadcast on the evening news. It wasn’t the bombing of a city or the execution of soldiers we saw. It was the fevered wielding of sledgehammers against some of mankind’s greatest...
It’s in the bag

It’s in the bag

“What do you mean I’m only allowed one bag?” I asked the check-in counter clerk at the Cathay Pacific counter in the Hong Kong airport. “The website said two bags, fifty-five pounds each.” “I’m sorry, madam. The Dragon Air flight to Kathmandu allows only one bag per...
Need to Know: addicted to instant information

Need to Know: addicted to instant information

Shelley’s attempt to escape her instant information addiction has some interesting side effects Recently, while on vacation, I tried to cultivate a state of ignorance. That’s not true, of course. I glanced occasionally at newspaper headlines and permitted myself some...
Wheels of our road bikes: If you’d seen it

Wheels of our road bikes: If you’d seen it

Shelley shares the horror of a devastating bike accident that changes lives, and her outlook. We climbed up through East Kelowna, then headed down the swooping corners of Spiers Road My friend and I set out on our bikes just after dawn, hoping to beat the heat, hoping...
Travelling to India: Retracing old steps

Travelling to India: Retracing old steps

Shelley takes a risk. Will she find a new way forward by retracing old steps? Tomorrow I jet off to a place I travelled to years ago and credit with moulding me into the person I am today. We all have these types of trips or experiences in our personal histories: the...
“Note” worthy

“Note” worthy

The last time I took a piano lesson, people were pointing bulldozers at the Berlin Wall. I haven’t even played for pleasure since the early ’90s. So when my old piano teacher calls to say she’s coming to Kelowna and wants to visit, it’s hard not to feel like I’ve let...