Paul’s Voice: Let the rainbows shine

Paul’s Voice: Let the rainbows shine

I try to be a more tolerant, loving and empathic person in spite of my human neurological deficits, irrational beliefs, memory failures, optical illusions and knew-it-all-along bias. However, I know I cannot succeed if my brain dwells on the negative—even when the...
Paul’s Voice: Dear Donald

Paul’s Voice: Dear Donald

Dear Donald, My Father refused to call Americans, Americans. Rightfully so, he would argue, everybody living in the North, South and Central Americas—were in fact Americans—so he called them USers. I did not understand why my father had a problem with USers. He was...
Paul’s Voice: the truth about liars

Paul’s Voice: the truth about liars

It has been said that “all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” In this issue of Okanagan Life we celebrate truth. Whether it be the science of UBCO professors Stephen...
Paul’s Voice: the truth about liars

Real giants, superstars and Titans

In early March 1992, 60 business people gathered at the Four Season’s Racquet Club in Kelowna to display their personalities for the cover of Okanagan Life’s Progress issue. This was a hybrid magazine created by Okanagan Life and Okanagan Business to celebrate the...
Paul’s Voice: the truth about liars

Black Friday vs. The Best of the Okanagan

It’s Black Friday and I’m trembling beneath my sheets. I get up, don my housecoat, down two coffees, deck the halls and turn on the CBC news. The ghosts of Black Friday past are dancing in my head with promises of mega-sales spam missiles and Scrooge Street savings....