Eat Well 9-5 for Nutrition Month

Eat Well 9-5 for Nutrition Month

March is Nutrition Month here in Canada, and this year’s theme of Eating Well 9-5 is designed to inspire Canadians to make positive changes for a healthier workplace environment. Research shows that eating well at work can boost concentration and productivity, and...
Interior Health highlights from Chair Erwin Malzer

Interior Health highlights from Chair Erwin Malzer

It is with great enthusiasm that I step into my new role as Interior Health Board Chair. In the spirit of new beginnings, I want to provide some highlights from the past year and an update moving forward. Last year saw many milestones, not the least of which was...
UBC Okanagan Master of Nursing goes Virtual

UBC Okanagan Master of Nursing goes Virtual

UBC Okanagan’s School of Nursing has introduced a new blended learning format to graduate students. “Our goal was to find the ideal combination of virtual and classroom work to offer a rich learning environment in a flexible format,” says Barb Pesut, coordinator...
Southern Medical Program student named Vanier Scholar

Southern Medical Program student named Vanier Scholar

  Sandy Wright’s concussion research results in prestigious recognition Southern Medical Program student Alexander (Sandy) Wright has received the prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. “The recognition is both humbling and motivating at the same time,”...