Man With a Mission

Man With a Mission

What comes to mind when you hear “Salvation Army”—thrift stores? Christmas kettles? While Major Ron Cartmell was growing up, it was simply the church his family had attended for three generations. “I didn’t even understand the wider concept of what the Salvation Army...
Summer Arts Fun

Summer Arts Fun

Summer camp can mean different things to different kids, from bad food and bullies, to lifelong friendships and golden memories. The Summer Arts Scene for Youth (SASFY) seems to fit the golden-memories category. Last year’s camp ended with the kids throwing homemade...
Citizens’ Patrol Bill Reichelt

Citizens’ Patrol Bill Reichelt

It’s obvious that Bill Reichelt, president of the Lake Country Citizens’ Patrol Society, has finally found his true calling. Whether settled in his tiny office adjacent to the Lake Country RCMP detachment, buried in statistical forms, stationed on roadside speed watch...
Kelowna Crisis Line – 250.763.9191

Kelowna Crisis Line – 250.763.9191

If you’re on the edge, don’t see a way out, don’t know how to face the future, dedicated volunteers like Maria Boruta at the Kelowna Crisis Line are ready to listen 24-7 at 250.763.9191 As a Crisis Line volunteer Maria’s voice is her signature. Our first meeting is on...