Tea party

Nothing political about this soothing cuppa “Where there’s tea, there is hope.” Printed on a sedate black and gold magnet, this quote by 19th century British actor and playwright Sir Arthur Pinero holds a place of honour on my fridge. Tea time has forever served...
Shopper’s Lament

Shopper’s Lament

I find shopping painful. My wife would rephrase that. To her, I’m just a painful shopper. But confusticate it how you will, people spend years of their lives in crowded malls and checkout lines.  My wife and daughters call this fun. It isn’t fun, it’s a game of snakes...
Greed Redefined – Occupy Reality Check

Greed Redefined – Occupy Reality Check

There’s a group of greedy individuals in Lower Manhattan who think that they deserve more than their fair share. Their selfishness blinds them to the fact that most people on the planet have drastically less than they do. They appear to be concerned only with...
Dual Parent Ski Pass

Dual Parent Ski Pass

If the term “steep and deep” better describes the pile of bills on your kitchen table than the powder on Okanagan ski slopes where you’d like to be carving some turns; if you feel snowed under by a blizzard of family duties; if the word “flakes” conjures up an image...
CBC Rant

CBC Rant

It’s lunch time. Early 1950s suburban Toronto. My siblings and I burst into the kitchen, hungry for the sound of our favourite CBC radio program. The dial of our brown plastic Westinghouse is set. We munch egg sandwiches to the lyrics of the Teddy Bears’ Picnic, eager...
Zombie Zinger

Zombie Zinger

“You need to write about zombies.” It was my friend Rob’s dime so I continued to listen. We’ve been a dangerous duo for more than 50 years—more dangerous to ourselves than anyone else. “Your book needs a regiment of zombies.” I’ve just finished writing a novel that...