Democracy Reigns Supreme for BOTO

Democracy Reigns Supreme for BOTO

Twice each year for 18 years, readers of Okanagan Life have come together in an exercise celebrating democracy, to vote for their favourite pastimes, businesses and people. It appears the Best of the Okanagan (BOTO) brand is alive and well in the Okanagan—you only...
Democracy Reigns Supreme for BOTO

Case of the Missing Cake

It was 1967. A culprit had made off with a piece of cake and Mom and Dad were on the case. Deliciously, I anticipated and welcomed the trial as we assembled in the kitchen because innocence was mine. My eight-year-old eyes sneered at my seven older brothers and...
Wine, Music, Cowboys…

Wine, Music, Cowboys…

Did you know that music can influence your wine purchases? In a new study, researchers played German music in a store for a day and 73 per cent of the wine sold that day was German. The next day when French music was played, French wines made up 77 per cent of sales;...
Think About It

Think About It

  “I think, therefore I am.” Is this statement false or true? Last year I wrote about an author who claimed to know the happiest region or city in which to live. I wondered out loud if the Okanagan might be it, or if it could ever be that place? I concluded it...