Lake-to-Lake Artist Studio Tour

Lake-to-Lake Artist Studio Tour

I love improv. Seeing people spontaneously come up with fresh ideas lets me not only feel like there’s a bit of genius in all of us, but that it’s quite normal to have ideas that flop. For example, acting like an epileptic penguin on stage is only funny for so long....
Art Appeal: Nataley Nagy

Art Appeal: Nataley Nagy

Popular perception may rate taking in an art exhibition right up there with getting a root canal, but that doesn’t phase the new exec director of the Kelowna Art Gallery. Making art accessible to the community is a prime goal for Nataley Nagy. Taking on the role of...
Art in the open

Art in the open

I’m sitting on a local piece of public art. Don’t try and guess which one just yet, as you can see I’ve taken special care to distort its silhouette by lying awkwardly across it as if I was a bikini-clad barista on a break at hot sands beach. I’m performing a little...


There’s a funny thing about words. Take, for example, pulchritude. It means beauty, but it sounds more like an adolescent attitude disorder brought on by eating too many Twinkies. “Don’t give me any of that pulchritude, young lady!” So when I heard about PechaKucha,...
Caravan Farm Theatre: Leading Lady

Caravan Farm Theatre: Leading Lady

To young actor Courtenay Dobbie, Caravan Farm Theatre seemed a mirage: Clydesdale cast-mates and stages sprung from fields for sold-out crowds. But eight years after her first show, she’s holding the reins. For two months during the summer of 2003, Courtenay...