Twylla Genest

Twylla Genest

[downloads category="current-issue" columns="1" excerpt="no"] A day in her life 8:30 am Begin follow-up on last night’s volunteer orientation. Organize registration forms, start preparation of interests/skills profiles for database entry 8:45 am Greet volunteer who...
Help Wanted in the Okanagan

Help Wanted in the Okanagan

The issue was that we couldn’t afford to just come back and hope one of us would get a good job. Brandie Gariepy [downloads category="current-issue" columns="1" excerpt="no"] Welcome to Shangri-flawed With help wanted signs sprouting like roadside weeds, it’s not...
I love my work

I love my work

I’m pretty sure this is the best life I could have chosen for myself. Brenda Molloy [downloads category="current-issue" columns="1" excerpt="no"] Seven Okanaganites who’ve made professions of their passions prove that a typical nine-to-five job need not be your final...
It’s sooo easy being green

It’s sooo easy being green

My home will be standing for another couple hundred years. Cathy Molloy [downloads category="current-issue" columns="1" excerpt="no"] Evi Mayer and her family evacuated their newly built Chute Lake Road home during the shocking 2003 Okanagan Mountain Park Fire. They...