Catherine Bennington

Catherine is currently in her fourth year of her BFA degree at UBC Okanagan. She is primarily a painter, but also works with printmaking, drawing and photography. She is immensely inspired by her surroundings. Whether it is interactions with others, emotions or the...

Christina L. Knittel

Based in Kelowna, BC, (Canada), Christina works in digital and traditional mediums to create fun paintings inspired by our interactions with nature. In 2006, she earned my BFA from UBCO and received a Campus Enhancement Award. Kelowna has a wonderfully vibrant arts...

Sea Dean

Classically educated in Europe, I’ve been an Okanagan resident for over 30 years. Through the wonders of the internet my work hangs in collections around the world. I’m known for my waterscapes and four legged friends, however I also create vibrant and joyful...
The small business “leisure society”

The small business “leisure society”

In 1930, John Maynard Keynes predicted a future so abundant with technological prowess that countries like Canada, Great Britain and the United States would achieve a 15-hour workweek by century’s end. In 1966, Time magazine echoed this scenario by publishing an...
Soaps on Stage

Soaps on Stage

Cliff-hanging fun, all season long Darryl takes Darla on a date. Their car breaks down just outside a sleazy inn on the outside of town. The owner of the inn, Mrs. Laversnot, invites them to stay among the many curious regulars at the hotel. By morning Darla is dead,...