Judi Tyabji

Judi Tyabji

Spring 1992 When young Liberal candidate Judi Tyabji was declared the new MLA for Okanagan East, a collective “wow” reverberated throughout the district. The 26-year-old woman, pregnant with her third child and a relative unknown, who had a background in the...
Ursula Surtees

Ursula Surtees

Spring 1995 Since moving to the Okanagan as a young war bride in the 1940s and becoming the first curator of the Kelowna Centennial Museum in 1969, Ursula has designed hands-on school programs that are emulated across the country, written books, developed summer art...
Jim Stuart

Jim Stuart

Fall 1991 “I’m accused of being anti-ALR, anti-most everything and very pro-development. But I’ve worked with those people out in the fields, I’ve gone through the banks, I’ve gone through the hailstones, I’ve gone through the times when you don’t have the...
May Bennett

May Bennett

Fall 1989 May and her husband had a simple agreement: he would run the province and she would run the house. May wasn’t very interested in politics, but was always working in the background. She ended her career as a school teacher in 1927, but remained a teacher all...
Wendell Phillips

Wendell Phillips

Jan/Feb 2003 • July/August 2004 Camera in hand, Wendell Phillips has travelled the world, capturing stunning images of people and life, and recording the atrocities and pain human beings inflict upon one another. In a career that spans close to a quarter century (in...