Requiem for Jennifer

Requiem for Jennifer

Summer 1997 By Julianna Hayes The image is one Jean Cusworth will never forget. It’s of her daughter Jennifer, crouched, cowering, as rage rains down on her—as she’s being murdered. Jean never actually saw this happen, it came to her in a dream, the dream she had...
Rockets Mania

Rockets Mania

June 2004 The Memorial Cup 2004 couldn’t have happened on a more appropriate weekend for the Western Hockey League’s Kelowna Rockets. It was a victory to match all victories in the team’s history. Josh Gorges, Kelly Guard, Randall Gellech were familiar heroes, but...
Road Warriors

Road Warriors

Winter 1997 Scott Parker One of the tests for a hockey player with NHL ambitions is life on the bus. Here is our diary of one road trip. I’m the first (at the bus). It isn’t long before the peace is disturbed by the gradual arrival of players, most carrying pillows,...