Road Warriors

Road Warriors

Winter 1997 Scott Parker One of the tests for a hockey player with NHL ambitions is life on the bus. Here is our diary of one road trip. I’m the first (at the bus). It isn’t long before the peace is disturbed by the gradual arrival of players, most carrying pillows,...
Stockwell vs Clark

Stockwell vs Clark

Spring 1997 David Stockwell is British Columbia’s most famous voter—the Kelowna man who would have Premier Glen Clark impeached. Stockwell has become Clark’s nemesis. In front of the cameras, the premier scoffs at the case. Laughing, he dismisses Stockwell as though...
Jim Stuart

Jim Stuart

Fall 1991 “I’m accused of being anti-ALR, anti-most everything and very pro-development. But I’ve worked with those people out in the fields, I’ve gone through the banks, I’ve gone through the hailstones, I’ve gone through the times when you don’t have the...
May Bennett

May Bennett

Fall 1989 May and her husband had a simple agreement: he would run the province and she would run the house. May wasn’t very interested in politics, but was always working in the background. She ended her career as a school teacher in 1927, but remained a teacher all...