Paul Byrne

Advertising inquiries

P: 250-861-5399


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Robert Dow Reid

Robert Dow Reid

Fall 1988 The plunge into the world of art paid off for Robert Dow Reid. The shipyards of Scotland where it all began may be a long way off, but for this internationally renowned sculptor, the ocean of his boyhood is ever present in the enduring and beautiful shapes...

Rules of the $30,000 giveaway

  1. A total of $30,000 in advertising value will be awarded between October 1, 2017 and October 1, 2018. Prizes will be awarded throughout the year, following the publication of each issue of Okanagan Life Magazine.
  2. A total of 30 prizes will be awarded to small businesses. Prize amounts equal a total of $30,000 and include six (6) advertising vouchers valued at $1,375, five (5) valued at $1,280, ten (10) valued at $990 and 9 valued at $625.00.
  3. Prizes have no cash value. Prize vouchers can only be applied for future adversing contracts (print or online) with Byrne Publishing Group and must be used prior to December 1, 2018 to be valid. Prize vouchers cannot be applied to past accounts.
  4. You must be a current advertising client of Byrne Publishing Group (Okanagan Life Magazine) to be eligible for a prize and have paid for a minimum of one print ad since October 1, 2017. Each print ad purchased within the contest period offers an additional chance of winning a price. Each advertising client can only win once during the contest period.
  5. Please contact or call 250-861-5399 with any questions.


Digital Edition – Yearly Subscription

Each month, we’re giving away 30 free annual subscriptions to celebrate!

With a digital subscription, you can enjoy Okanagan Life on your tablet.
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