Help Wanted in the Okanagan

The issue was that we couldn’t afford to just come back and hope one of us would get a good job.

Brandie Gariepy

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Welcome to Shangri-flawed

With help wanted signs sprouting like roadside weeds, it’s not surprising that Okanagan employers are struggling to cope. But just when you’d expect job seekers to be sitting in the driver’s seat, many wannabe workers are getting a bumpy ride. High housing costs and stagnant wages are obvious culprits, but the following three case studies, along with our salary comparisons, reveal there’s more to this picture.

Illustration by Will Enns

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Read more of the original stories celebrated in our 30th-anniversary issue.

Enjoy Vertical & Vintages Wine Festival at Apex

Enjoy Vertical & Vintages Wine Festival at Apex

7th annual Vertical and Vintage Wine Weekend The Naramata Bench Wineries Association and Apex Mountain Resort will host the Seventh Annual Vertical & Vintages Wine Weekend on Saturday, March 9. Centered around a Saturday night wine tasting event hosted by the...

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Rearview: It’s not easy being green

Rearview: It’s not easy being green

[downloads ids="153718" columns="1"] Lessons from my friend Kermit the frog "It’s just you and me against the world, Kermit.” Many moons ago, at the age of 17 I drove away from home and Kelowna in my ’74 VW bug. I had a few things with me,...

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Rearview: Packing up hope

Good nutrition fuels brain power. Are all BC children getting their fair share? I’m glad there are so many ways to help right now. So don’t wait for Christmas to donate or volunteer at your local food bank. Investigate involvement in initiatives like the Starfish Pack program.

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