Help Wanted in the Okanagan

The issue was that we couldn’t afford to just come back and hope one of us would get a good job.

Brandie Gariepy

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Welcome to Shangri-flawed

With help wanted signs sprouting like roadside weeds, it’s not surprising that Okanagan employers are struggling to cope. But just when you’d expect job seekers to be sitting in the driver’s seat, many wannabe workers are getting a bumpy ride. High housing costs and stagnant wages are obvious culprits, but the following three case studies, along with our salary comparisons, reveal there’s more to this picture.

Illustration by Will Enns

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Read more of the original stories celebrated in our 30th-anniversary issue.

Spots still open for Swing for Kids golf tourney

Spots still open for Swing for Kids golf tourney

The Agur Lake Camp Society is proud to announce Summerland Timber Mart as the Presenting Sponsor of the Eleventh Annual Agur Lake Camp Charity Golf Tournament, to be held on May 25, 2019, at the Summerland Golf & Country Club. Richard Finlay, one of the Summerland...

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Ahead by a century

Ahead by a century

Mom was born on January 4, 1917. If you do the math, you’ll see that she earned the right to be Ahead by a Century. And yes, she was tragically hip! Helene Byrne and Gord Downy were both ahead of their time. While she taught me too many scintillating lessons to...

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