Help Wanted in the Okanagan

The issue was that we couldn’t afford to just come back and hope one of us would get a good job.

Brandie Gariepy

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Welcome to Shangri-flawed

With help wanted signs sprouting like roadside weeds, it’s not surprising that Okanagan employers are struggling to cope. But just when you’d expect job seekers to be sitting in the driver’s seat, many wannabe workers are getting a bumpy ride. High housing costs and stagnant wages are obvious culprits, but the following three case studies, along with our salary comparisons, reveal there’s more to this picture.

Illustration by Will Enns

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Read more of the original stories celebrated in our 30th-anniversary issue.

Canada Is Older Than the USA

Canada Is Older Than the USA

A History Lesson to Expose the Depth of "the Totally Unacceptable Insults and Unprecedented Threats" Made by President Donald Trump to "Our Very Sovereignty." Anthony James Hall “…. the totally unacceptable insults and the unprecedented threats to our very sovereignty...

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Gordon Lightfoot Tribute by John Paul Byrne

Gordon Lightfoot Tribute by John Paul Byrne

Enjoy live music and wine in our Jacko's Underground Lounge. Doors open at 5pm! Pizza always available and Charcuterie for pre-purchase. John Paul Byrne's Gordon Lightfoot Tribute Concerts are selling out in the Okanagan as most all performances have people raving...

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Read My Mind – The Gordon Lightfoot Tribute Show

Read My Mind – The Gordon Lightfoot Tribute Show

Read My Mind - The Gordon Lightfoot Tribute Show at SILVERSTAR BREWING CO Downtown Vernon Saturday October 26th. Join us for an unforgettable evening as we celebrate the timeless music of Gordon Lightfoot with the Paul Byrne-led tribute band. Experience the nostalgia...

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Quintland: Five strong story sells

Quintland: Five strong story sells

Shelley Wood's debut historical novel tops best-seller list In the 1930s, public appetite was insatiable for news and images of the Dionne quintuplets. Before reality TV shows and viral videos, the unlikely survival of five identical babies in a small town in Northern...

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Winter economics: rockets fuel local economy

Winter economics: rockets fuel local economy

Churning out NHL draft picks, world champions, Olympians and a record book to rival most in junior hockey, the Kelowna Rockets have found a winning formula under the tutelage of owner and general manager Bruce Hamilton.