Helping endangered owl, Burrowing Owl’s charitable contributions soar past $1 million

The Okanagan’s Burrowing Owl Estate Winery is proud to announce a milestone in its support of charitable organizations including the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of BC.  As of August 1, 2017 the winery had raised $1.02 million, which has benefited not only the Society, but also other worthy organizations such as the South Okanagan Raptor Rehabilitation Centre, The Nature Trust of British Columbia, and Nature Conservancy Canada.

On Thursday August 17 between 1:00 – 3:00 pm, the winery will celebrate this achievement with a visit by Pluto, an educational ambassador burrowing owl from the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society, and Lauren Meads, Biologist and Executive Director of the Society. Guest will learn more about this important partnership between Burrowing Owl Estate Winery and the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of BC.

Since 2004, Burrowing Owl Estate Winery has been raising funds for conservation by charging a $3 tasting fee to patrons who sample its wines at its on-site wine shop. Proceeds have been donated on an annual basis, with the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society receiving the largest portion of the funds.  The Society has always held a special place in the heart of winery proprietor Jim Wyse, who notes “we’re always conscious that we really owe our success to the land we grow our grapes on, and helping this beautiful bird survive is one way we can give back to the earth, for all it gives us.”

Mike Mackintosh, President of the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society, says “Burrowing Owl Estate Winery has taken on a key stewardship role for this species at risk. Their long-term support has given our society the stability and the means to focus on what is most important – rebuilding a self-sustaining population of these tiny, amazing owls in the southern Interior grasslands of BC.”

The conservation work of the winery has helped the burrowing owl make a comeback in British Columbia.