Summerhill viticulturist speaks on biodynamic farming


Join Summerhill Winery at the Kelowna Museums for a Lunchbox Lecture on Wednesday, December 10 as Gabe Cipes speaks on biodynamic farming.

Location: Okanagan Heritage Museum
Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Time: Noon

Inspired by the ideas and knowledge associated with creating self-sustaining food producing ecosystems, Gabe Cipes makes and sources the nine biodynamic preparations applied to Summerhill Vineyard.

The specially-prepared biodynamic preparations increase microbial life in the soil and aid the immune systems of the vines. Biodynamic farmers also employ the use of an astrological sowing and planting calendar.

Organic practices have been an integral part of Summerhill since the Kelowna vineyard was purchased by the Cipes family in 1986. Summerhill is committed to producing 100% organic wine, and has received Demeter Biodynamic certification for their Kelowna vineyard in 2012. To obtain biodynamic certification a farm must first be certified organic, free of the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides and antibiotics.

Cipes has also diversified the farm with food forests and edible landscaping, conducting experiments based on Permaculture principles to increase biodiversity within the vineyard system and grow complimentary crops between the vineyard rows.