YMCA Healthy FlowRider Competition set for Saturday, March 1

H2O Flowrider CompeitionThe YMCA Strong Kids Megathon is set for Saturday, March 1 in Kelowna and Mike Brodie and his two sons Morgan, age 15, and Loklin, age 10, are busy preparing for H2O’s FlowRider Competition, which is part of the Y’s Fundraiser to support local families in need.

As passionate and dedicated flow-boarders with nearly six months experience, the Brodie family drives from West Kelowna three to four times per week to practice their tricks and carves at H2O. Not only are they developing their core strength, balance, endurance, muscle mass and an arsenal of tricks in an extreme sport, Mike says they have grown closer as a family and have developed communication skills at the same time. This is due to the competitive yet supportive nature of the FlowRider culture, where in his words “everyone wants to see you succeed.”

H2O Flowrider  YMCA OkanaganAdvanced riders helping and guiding more novice riders is a common sight at H2O, where everyone’s goal is having fun and becoming a better rider. This is only one of the many reasons Mike brings his kids to the FlowRider each week. Socializing, teaching one-another and getting feedback at the ‘Flow’ brings people all ages and abilities together.

Come join Mike and his family at the H2O Adventure & Fitness Centre Saturday March 1 from 1 to 5 pm for the Megathon FlowRider Competition. There will be tons of prizes, a live DJ courtesy of Airwaves Djs and musicians, snacks and fun for everyone.

Visit http://www.ymcaokanagan.ca/events-2/megathon to register.