Project Literacy celebrates its 150 volunteer for Canada’s 150th birthday

literacyIn hopes to actively contribute to the City of Kelowna’s challenge to its residents to contribute 150,000 volunteer hours in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, Project Literacy established a goal of their own. Project Literacy set out to recruit and actively engage 150 volunteers by Canada’s 150th birthday.

Well ahead of the July 1 festivities, today Project Literacy welcomes its 150th volunteer for 2017.

Roarke Newton, a young teen from Immaculata Regional High School, initially chose to volunteer at Project Literacy to fulfill his annual school service hours. However, since he started he says he enjoys the people he has met and loves the idea of helping others. Roarke is excited about getting connected with Project Literacy and hopes to continue volunteering even after his required hours are finished.

Weekly, Roarke works with other Project Literacy volunteers to organize and prepare resource materials in support of our tutors and learners. This position allows him to develop some new skills he thinks will be useful in future employment.

Project Literacy has traditionally used volunteers as tutors who are matched with local learners in need of one-to-one tutoring. “This will continue to be our recruitment focus,” says Board President Fern Carr. “To commemorate Canada 150, we are particularly excited to expand the role of volunteers in our organization. We are offering many new opportunities which will include the support of outreach activities and fundraising efforts.”

Project Literacy is honoured to be supported by all 150 volunteers who give freely of their time to help those who need a little extra literacy help. With over 30 years of service to the community, more than 6,000 residents have improved their literacy using volunteers. Project Literacy looks forward to celebrating Canada’s 150th with a new goal of 15,000 volunteer hours this year.