Okanagan recognizes with national food banking award

Food Banks Canada presented the National Food Bank Awards to recognize the outstanding contributions to food banking in Canada. The awards were presented at the Food Banks Canada Network Conference in Calgary, Alberta.

Winner of the Excellence in Food Banking: Large Size Food Bank is the Central Okanagan Food Bank, Kelowna. The award recognized the effort to amalgamating the region’s food banks, resulting in a stronger, healthier organization.

“This project put territories aside to work for the greater good of the Central Okanagan, knowing that they would be stronger working together, towards a common goal of relieving hunger.

“This project put territories aside to work for the greater good of the Central Okanagan, knowing that they would be stronger working together, towards a common goal of relieving hunger,” read a release from Food Banks Canada.

The National Food Bank Awards were created to recognize the unique and diverse ways that food banks serve their communities. Recipients of the Food Banking Awards go above and beyond their core mission to provide essential food services to those in need.  Award recipients play an integral role in improving the communities they serve through creative, efficient programs and services that exemplify the highest standards of operation.

With usage of food banks in Canada being 28 percent higher than in 2008 and eight out of ten provinces seeing an increase in usage, the role of food banks is more important than ever. Food banks are at the forefront of providing essential services to people in need and have become adept at doing so much with so little.

“We are so proud to recognize the organizations and individuals who commit to a life of helping their fellow Canadians,” says Katharine Schmidt Executive Director, Food Banks Canada. “Their bold innovation and clear purpose in attempting to create a Canada where no one goes hungry is nothing short of inspirational.”

Food Banks Canada supports a unique network of over 3,000 food-related organizations in every province and territory that assists more than 850,000 Canadians each month. Together the network shares over 200 million pounds of essential safe quality food annually and advocates for policy change that will help create a Canada where no one goes hungry. Visit foodbankscanada.ca for more information.