Nov 15 a day to celebrate giving

Saturday November 15 is municipal election day in BC but it’s also National Philanthropy Day. The day recognizes the great contributions of philanthropy — and those people active in the philanthropic community — to the enrichment of our world.

“As we work together as fundraisers, we support each other to improve ourselves enhance our charities and encourage giving and philanthropy in our community,” says Chantelle Funk, President of Okanagan Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

National Philanthropy Day is a celebration of philanthropy — giving, volunteering and charitable engagement — that highlights the accomplishments, large and small, that philanthropy and all those involved in the philanthropic process makes to our society and our world.

In 2012, Canada was first to officially recognize the day, setting a new model for other countries to emulate.

The AFP Okanagan Chapter, which represents more than 30 fundraisers, fosters development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession. For more information, go to