Magazine Launches Outnumber Closures

Here’s a few highlights from some recent magazine industry news:

[BlockQuote quote=”In the first half of 2013, 97 magazines launched, and 29 closed, according to—the largest online database of U.S. and Canadian publications. The top categories for new launches were “food” and “regional interest.”” author=”Media Finder  | ” sourcetitle=”Magazine Launches Outnumber Closures” sourceurl=”″]

If you haven’t yet, take a look at Adobe’s The State of Online Advertising. You don’t need to look past page one to find that “print magazines” and “while watching a favorite TV show” are the two most preferred places to look at an ad.

[BlockQuote quote=”Online advertising is “annoying,” “distracting” and “all over the place”” author=”Adobe | ” sourcetitle=”Click Here: The State of Online Advertising – Adobe” sourceurl=””]

Magazines continue to be the world’s leading media for like-ability.

Prefer Magazines
Source: Adobe