Kelowna’s Oranj Fitness to match funds raised for fire victims

Oranj Fitness of Kelowna, has decided to make waves over the catastrophe that has scorched the Wood Buffalo community. Orange also operates a studio location in Fort McMurray.
The yoga studio will be matching dollar for dollar in donations raised through this initiative capping at $32,000. At the time of this posting, the fund raising effort had reached over $6,700.
I have received hundreds of emails and messages from guests, staff and friends with their concerns about my fitness studio in Fort McMurray.” says Sheila Chutskoff, Founder of Oranj Fitness.  “I am thankful for their concern and I am heartbroken with what is happening in Fort McMurray. My studio is at risk of burning down, my staff and guests homes have burned down, my friend’s pets have burned alive. This is a horrific situation. 
“I listened to guests feedback and victims concerns through these messages and the common thread for requests was money.  So, after we supported all of our staff and made sure they were all safe, we started planning this charity initiative. “
For every dollar raised at the Oranj studios events and through their  Go Fund Me campaign, Oranj Fitness will match that money raised, dollar for dollar up to $32,000.
“My staff and I are going to fly over and personally hand deliver pre-loaded credit cards to the victims in need; we call it our Dollar for Dollar, Hand to Hand initiative,” says Chutskoff.
Oranj Fitness has organized three main channels to raise funds for relief in Fort McMurray. This includes in-studio donations, karma classes and a ‘gofundme’ account ( 100% of the funds collected will be donated to the victims of this epic disaster. Thursday to Thursday, May 5 to May 12, each of our four studio locations will be hosting by donation classes to collect funds for the Hand to Hand Fundraising initiative. Members are encouraged to invite friends and family, as drop-in and punch-pass rates will not apply with donations.
The company is coordinating to host a refuge event when it is safe to return to Fort McMurray. Oranj has reached out to surrounding communities to make the hand to hand donation if it is not possible to return to Fort McMurray in the near future.
For more information please email or visit their website at
Photo by Jason Woodhead.