Kelowna Art Gallery’s collection now available to the world

881 works of art … 166 artists … one new website. With the Kelowna Art Gallery’s 40th year in 2017, they are launching the art collection online. The 24/7 access offers residents and visitors across the globe the opportunity to explore.

“We couldn’t be more pleased to open the doors to our collection through this new online database,” says Executive Director Nataley Nagy. “The permanent collection is one of the cornerstones of the institution and all of the works of art are held in trust by the City of Kelowna for its citizens.”

The collection currently contains 881 pieces by 166 different artists in a wide variety of media, ranging from acrylic paintings to hand-woven wicker sculpture and even to a vintage hockey helmet with honeycomb attached.

Browsers of the online collection will discover works by artists who include Jack Shadbolt, Ann Kipling, Tony Scherman, Gordon Smith, Alan Wood, Toni Onley, Ellen Vaughan Grayson, B.C. Binning, John Hartman, Christos Dikeakos, and Ken Lum, to name just a few.

The majority of pieces in the collection are by contemporary Canadian artists, with a small number of historical Canadian pieces. Most of the works came to us as gifts, but there has been some modest purchasing over the years, assisted by donations of monies from community members and grants.

An upcoming exhibition entitled The Big Picture that runs from April 29 until June 25, 2017, will share a selection of works from the collection with visitors. It will include some of the biggest works in the collection and will contain pieces by thirteen contemporary artists.

The Kelowna Art Gallery is located at 1315 Water Street in the heart of the Cultural District in downtown Kelowna. For hours of operation, more information about programs available, or current exhibitions, visit the Kelowna Art Gallery online at

Top: Tony Scherman, Marilyn Monroe, 2002, encaustic on canvas, 30 x 40 in. Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery. Gift of the artist, 2005.

Mary Bull, Portrait of Richard Kuipers, 1985, 47 ¾ in. x 24 in. (121 x 61 cm).

Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery. Purchased with the assistance of the Canada Council Art Bank, 1988