High Water Levels Won’t Dampen Fun in the Sun

Recreation options abound in the Okanagan

Tourism Kelowna wants travellers to know summer fun is business as usual this year. Spring flooding and high lake levels have necessitated some restrictions on beach and lake activity, but everything else is swinging into fun in the Okanagan sun.

Chris Shauf, Director of Marketing and Communications for Tourism Kelowna, says the Visitor Centre is getting about ten calls a day from visitors wanting to know what their options are. “Most are responding to something they’ve seen or heard in the news,” he says. “They want to know current conditions and get reassurance that they can travel to and from and around Kelowna and area. We give them the information they need to make informed decisions about travel.”

With any destination, there are variables, like weather and water levels. Fortunately, as Shauf points out, “Kelowna and the Okanagan is a destination with an incredible amount of things to do, and visitors are asking about hiking and biking, golf, wine and culinary opportunities, adventure parks, and the vibrant downtown where events are going on as scheduled.” While the high water situation is being monitored to ensure visitor safety and enjoyment, summer festivals – including the Across the Lake Swim Kelowna on July 15, and Center of Gravity July 28 to 30 – are proceeding as scheduled.

“I love that in any given day there are any numbers of things to do in the Okanagan,” says Shauf. “When I wake up in the morning, I look at the options available and I fill my day.”

Clearly visitors feel the same. As Shauf says, “Visitation remains strong.”

Osoyoos offers a number of wine and culinary tours to locals and tourists (Photo: Yvonne Turgeon)

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