Health Care Assistant program starts in Salmon Arm

Health Care Assistant program intake starts as demand spikes in Salmon Arm

More health-care beds opening up is good news for patients and for those seeking careers in caring.

An intake of Okanagan College’s Health Care Assistant program is scheduled for May at the Salmon Arm campus, giving students in the Shuswap direct access to training for one of the most in-demand positions in the province. The intensive program runs for six months—four months of classroom instruction and two months of hands-on practicum for students to learn within the healthcare environment.

“Graduates of the HCA program can join our teams at Interior Health and choose to work in a team environment in long-term care or they can choose to work one-on-one with clients in home support. It is a great career choice for those who like making a positive impact on the lives of others,” says Interior Health’s Shalan Hundal, Health Care Assistant Recruitment and Marketing Project Lead.

An information night for people to learn more about the Health Care Assistant program and field will be held on March 14 at 7 p.m. at the Salmon Arm campus, 2552 10th Ave NE. Students will meet program staff who can discuss the program and outline education financing options, admission requirements and supports for returning students. Information on Work BC funding eligibility will also be available.

Applications can be submitted online. For more information, call 250-832-2126, ext. 8259 or visit


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