gen Z

Hannah Kulak

Hannah KulakVernon Secondary School
Grade 12
Engineer to save the environment

Outspoken, confident Hannah wants one day to make a noticeable difference in the lives of others. And, she loves chocolate milk.

Quintessential career: petroleum engineer. I hope to refine the process for cheaper and more environmentally friendly extraction of fossil fuels.

Favourite subjects: physics and chemistry. Love to mix problem solving with aspects of science.

Independence: teaching karate part-time. Applying for scholarships to universities of Alberta and Calgary.

Environment in 50 years: lower use of fossil fuels. Have renewable and more efficient fuel and energy sources to sustain the planet.

Helping out: camp counsellor two summers at Eagle Bay Camp, Shuswap Lake. Volunteer karate instructor past four years. Next up? Fundraising for Vernon Secondary Global Action Program volunteer trip to Kenya in 2014.

Fitness find: karate, year round. Love the competition, character improvement and fitness. Learn from teaching little kids.

Must have technology: Android phone. Have friends in different cities. Get free texting and Fave 10 free calling across Canada.

App award: Tumblr blogging site. Express feelings through texting and pictures. Make connections.

eReader or print: hard copy for both leisure and textbooks. Book of choice, Awakenings by Oliver Sacks, about Parkinson’s disease.

Creative outlet: photography. Best shot? From the top of local mountain King Eddy, looking through the clearing of an old logging site showing nature has taken over what we left behind.

Lasting life lesson: from Sensei Chris Harper, Canadian Martial Arts Academy, learned the value of pushing myself past what I think I can do. Lots of people my age settle for good enough when you can learn a lot about yourself and capabilities by pushing past perceived limits.

Downtime: family dinners. Hiking at Shuswap Falls dam.

Favourite place in the world: anywhere on a mountain.

Celebrating 30 Years

The great part about anniversaries is taking time to reflect. Delving into our magazine archives, we once again came face to face with the passionate people who strengthen our communities and the creative artists who fill the Valley with art, song and laughter.