Downtown Y open doors to community

The Kelowna Downtown YMCA is hosting a Grand Opening event on September 13. The facility will be open to the public all day, with cake, food and refreshments, giveaways and a chance to win a one-year membership. 

“We are excited to celebrate with our community,” states Kelley Taylor, Centre Manager of the Downtown YMCA. “Now that summer is over, we want everyone to have the opportunity to come in, try out a class, have some cake, see the facility and learn about our specialty health programs.”

Offering a supportive community, free health coaching for members, modern fitness equipment and classes that fit a variety of schedules, the Y has something for everyone.

“We want people to know that we are here for them,” says Taylor. “As a local charity, devoted to the health and wellbeing of our community as a whole, we are committed to helping individuals, regardless of income or ability, become their healthiest self. Fall is an excellent time to re-focus attention on our own personal health and we urge those working and living downtown to come see how we can help.”

The Y invites you to drop by on September 13 to try one of their fitness classes including bootcamp, cycle, yoga and TRX and enjoy refreshments from local businesses such as Glow Juicery and El Taqeuro. You can also drop in for their cake cutting celebration at 1:30 p.m. and entre their draw to WIN a free membership. 

Find more details about the Downtown Y’s Grand Opening Day as well as current offers to help you get started on your health and wellness goals right away at

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