Injured Mountain Biker Rescued

Central Okanagan Search & Rescue volunteers were activated at 3 PM on Monday afternoon for a rescue in West Kelowna. The team was called to the Smith Creek area to rescue a mountain biker who had fallen and injured her ankle. COSAR attended with 11 members including a newly formed mountain bike rescue team and ATV team.

The initial response team on mountain bikes arrived at the scene of the injured woman and looked after her while the ATV team looked for an easier way to evacuate her from the area. Due to the terrain, the decision was made to evacuate the woman by air using Vernon SAR’s Helicopter Winch Rescue team, which was just returning from another rescue near Kamloops.

The injured cyclist was airlifted from the mountain and transported to the Wildcat Helicopter base, where she was transferred to a waiting ambulance and taken to KGH.