Capri scholarship allows UBC keeper to keep up with training

Winning this year’s Capri Insurance Athletics Entrance Scholarship is  Nicholas Reitsma, a 6-foot-3 freshman keeper on UBC Okanagan’s men’s soccer squad. Reitsma will receive $2,500 each year, up to $10,000, while he maintains his status on the varsity team and continues his high academic scores. The funds mean he can focus on his goalkeeping and fitness skills while keeping up with his school work.

The first-year Bachelor of Science student and graduate from Aberdeen Hall completed his high school career as captain and MVP for his Aberdeen Hall soccer squad. While at Aberdeen he was also vice-president of the student council and maintained his status on the school’s honour roll. The young goalie is thrilled and ‘incredibly grateful’ to receive the award.

Tim Miller, president of Capri Insurance, says the high calibre of the young students at UBC Okanagan inspires optimism for the future.

“Meeting these students help us let go of our propensity to focus on what can or did go wrong and realize that year-over-year, the young people of each generation keep making the world a better place,” says Miller. “We are truly grateful for the opportunity to support these exceptional young people. They make us, our community, and the world a better place.”

The Capri Insurance Athletics Entrance Scholarship is funded by an endowment established in 2009 to help top scholars, who are also gifted athletes, attend UBC’s Okanagan campus. Director of Athletics and Recreation at UBC’s Okanagan campus, Rob Johnson, says the campus community is extremely grateful to the management and staff at Capri for the on-going support provided to the students.


UBC Okanagan Director of Athletics Rob Johnson with Heat Men’s soccer coach Dante Zanatta, 2016 Capri Scholarship winner Nicholas Reitsma, and Capri President Tim Miller.