Earn $1,000 to improve your neighbourhood



The application period is open for two City of Kelowna grant programs that help residents build stronger neighbourhoods.

“Residents often know just what’s needed to enhance the quality of life in their neighbourhoods,” says Louise Roberts, Manager of Community & Neighbourhood Services.

“The projects resulting from the Neighbourhood Grant help neighbours build relationships, gain a greater sense of neighbourhood pride and provide resources to address their own neighbourhood’s unique interests and needs. It is wonderful to see the impact residents have made on their neighbourhoods through the grant program.”

The Neighbourhood Grant provides support for interested Kelowna residents to plan and implement neighbourhood enhancing projects and initiatives. Matching grants of up to $1,000 are available with summer project applications due by April 1.

In 2015, residents in the Kelowna Downtown Knox Mountain (KDKM) neighbourhood transformed one of their boulevards into a colourful and drought-tolerant xeriscape (see above photo- courtesy of kelowna.ca). “Our project gave community association members a chance to work together for the day doing something fun in the outdoors,” says Lisa Masini, KDKM Neighbourhood Association President. “There was a sense of community spirit as neighbours worked side by side… a lot can be accomplished with many hands!”

This is the second of a three-year, $15,000 partnership with the Central Okanagan Foundation. Last year, 12 projects were supported and implemented with the participation of over 875 neighbours. The projects ranged from free little libraries to neighbourhood beautification activities.

New in 2016, is the Youth Development and Engagement Grant. This is an additional grant program aimed at youth between the ages of 13 and 19, providing them support to develop and implement projects that contribute to their neighbourhood’s vitality. Matching grants of up to $1,000 are available and the deadline to apply is April 15. Residents are invited to attend a Youth Development and Engagement Grant information session on Monday, March 14 at 4 p.m. at the Parkinson Recreation Centre.

“This information session will cover what youth can expect in the grant process and provide some ideas for potential projects,” says Roberts. “It is also an opportunity for youth to ask our Neighbourhood Development Coordinator any questions they may have, or get feedback on an idea.”

To apply for a Neighbourhood Grant, view successful grant projects from 2015, or to learn more about the Youth Development and Engagement Grant, visit kelowna.ca/neighbourhoods or email neighbourhoods@kelowna.ca.