New writing school open in Kelowna

Dona-SturmanisA new writing school has started in Kelowna. Curious Beyond Words School of Writing, founded by veteran writer, editor and instructor Dona Sturmanis, kicked off 2015 with 16 Saturday workshops. The workshops series feature guest speakers and instructors along with Dona as host.

“There is still room in our winter-spring courses,” says Dona. “We’ve done very well with registrations so far, but there spots left.”

Writing seminars are taking place January through April. They include courses on planning your writing project, food writing,creating poetry, children’s books, memoirs, travel, screenplays, articles, fiction and humour. There’s even a workshop on how to write about animals.

“The learning is fun and very social in these informal, upbeat classes,” says Dona.

Dona Sturmanis is a long-time journalist, fiction and poetry writer, book editor and writing instructor. She’s also a contributing writer to Okanagan Life magazine.

All classes are 11 am-3 pm and take place at the Ellis Street library in the small meeting room on the second floor. Later in the spring, the Curious Beyond Words. School of Writing will be joining the Proof Creative Club when it opens its new venue at Cawston and Ethel.

Visit for course descriptions, fees and how to register.
