People light up when they come in the door of The View Winery. Maybe it’s the authenticity: a wine shop surrounded by the sights and smells of winemaking in progress.
Maybe it’s the rustic elegance: rough-hewn timbers and vintage brickwork accented with red stiletto shoes and chandeliers.
Certainly it’s the friendly staff, enthusiastic to share with visitors all there is to share from a place that’s truly special.
“I love to surround myself with positive people,” says The View president Jennifer Molgat. “And the people in our wine shop, cellar and vineyard all possess this quality.”
The View Winery is minutes from downtown Kelowna, nestled between rolling orchards and vines on land that has been in the family for five generations. The cellar and wine shop are in a distinctive 1920s vintage apple packinghouse. True to the terroir, the main grape varieties are a collection, primarily of aromatic whites, Gewurztraminer, Riesling, Ehrenfelser and newly planted Pinot Gris. And they also feature Pinotage, which is a vibrant, fruit forward red with a hint of spice. While visiting you may also want to sample their line-up of Wards apple cider.
The View’s tasting room and wine shop is open weekdays noon–5pm until May 1st, then 11am–6:30pm, seven days a week until October 15.
Visit for details and drop by the winery for a taste at 1-2287 Ward Road, Kelowna. Just look for the red shoe!