Here comes summer! Okanagan summer camps


Dynamic Opportunities for Youth, Rowing Program, Swan Lake, Vernon

Whazzup? Never had a chance to learn to row? No worries. Non-profit Vernon Rowing and Dragon Boat Club offers this special chance for youth at risk and youth living with a disability to experience the lessons and benefits of sport while skimming over the calm waters of Swan Lake. “Each year I am amazed by the success of this program,” says Lisa George, program manager. “The kids who come out are beaming at the end of each session as their confidence grows.”

New water spiders: Ages 12 to 17.

Friends galore: Rowing in doubles, quads and eights. Participants often transition to ongoing rowing programs. Program graduates volunteer at paddling and rowing events, gaining leadership experience.

Drive to the shore: Lochdale Road, Vernon.

Dress Code: All equipment provided but don’t forget a towel. Rowing shells can be tippy at first!

How much time do you have? Coached rowing sessions 6 days per week.

Word from the beach: Olympic rowing medalist David Calder has been involved in this program for more than 10 years. “This program offers kids who face multiple barriers to success a break from their reality. It puts them in a supportive, outdoor activity that can push them out of their comfort zone and empower them to rise to the occasion.”

Show me the money: In recognition of financial barriers often faced by these youth, this program is offered free of charge, supported by fund raising events and donations.

More to come:, 250.938.7769.



Geering up at UBC Okanagan, Kelowna

Whazzup? To fulfill their mission to make science technology and engineering more hands-on and exciting, UBCO offers camps for kids keen on Lego Robitics or Codemakers, a new computer science program for making and cracking computer codes. New activities every year, including field trips and working with mentors on design challenges.

Star student teachers: Camps are taught by experienced university students with a passion of their field of study.

Cerebral celebs: Quarks grades 2 to 4, Electrons grades 5 to 7. Two university instructors and 2 to 4 high school junior instructors per 25 kids.

It’s not all science: At least one hour of active outside games per day.

Campus delight: Program participation provides a glimpse of the UBCO campus for future reference.

Look the part: Lab coats come in all sizes.

All day challenge: Week long day camps run 9 am to 3 pm. Lunch program available for $35 per week. Before and after care available.

What it takes: Quarks $150. Electrons $160.

Any budding scientist can apply: Bursaries available.

More to come:, 250.807.8055


Celebrating 30 Years

The great part about anniversaries is taking time to reflect. Delving into our magazine archives, we once again came face to face with the passionate people who strengthen our communities and the creative artists who fill the Valley with art, song and laughter.