Okanagan Rail Trail: Work under way; help fund completion

thumbnail of Okanagan-Trail-DonationWith your help the Okanagan Rail Trail will soon become reality, transforming a discontinued CN rail line into a 48.5-kilometre trail connecting communities from Coldstream to Kelowna. Local governments, with assistance from the province, acquired the scenic corridor in 2015, providing the opportunity to create a sustainable recreational and transportation
legacy. Now it’s our turn (individuals, organizations and businesses) to raise the money to complete development.

Since fundraising began last May, over 3,300 donors have stepped forward. Contributions have come with inspirational stories: from a 95-year-old donating 95 metres to an 8-year-old selling lemonade to fund her metre of trail. Many service clubs, organizations and businesses have also provided donations and other support.

As seen in Progress magazine.

Donate online at www.okanaganrailtrail.ca

Good vibes at The Boh

Good vibes at The Boh

The Bohemian Café and Catering Company (affectionately known as The Boh) is a Kelowna icon.