gen Z

Christian Michalewicz

Christian MichalewiczUBC-O
Dynamic mechanical engineer

Considers himself a multi-talented young Polish gentleman who most admires his supportive dad. “I’m almost a clone of him,” he says. Book choice: the Alex Rider spy novel series by Anthony Horowitz about a British teenager sucked into the role of top secret agent.

Quintessential career: a job like Marvel comics fictional character Tony Stark, designer of the Ironman suit. In reality, mechanical engineer.

Favourite subjects: engineering fundamentals, first year engineering. SolidWorks 3D CAD design program. Enjoy learning stuff my dad, a globe-trotting master electronics service technician, doesn’t know.

Independence: stay home until university degree complete. Get a steady job. Move out when my income allows. May travel like dad. Have a Canadian and a Polish passport.

Environment 50 years from now: new habitable planet environments will be created.

Helping out: IPE grounds cleanup with Cadets. Volunteer at Gleaners Soup Kitchen and Upper Room Mission with Our Lady of the Valley and Coldstream St. James Church.

Fitness find: rock climbing and swimming at the Vernon Recreation Centre.

Must have technology: can’t choose. Blackberry Z10, iPad, Mom’s laptop and desktop home computer.

Social media: Facebook for university group project communication and uploading files. Don’t post personal status.

eReader or print: eReader on the iPad for downloading textbooks. Cheaper and lighter. Psychology text costs about $250 to buy and half that to download, but disappears at the end of the year. For leisure, online Sci Fi and graphic novels like Knights of the Void.

Creative outlet: piano to Royal Conservatory Grade 8, drawing Sci Fi anthropomorphic creatures.

Movies or documentaries, TV or online: movies online. No TV at home. Polish TV when visiting my grandmother in Poland. The Discovery Channel.

Lasting life lesson: from Dad—don’t let others discourage you by their success. Strive to make your own success.

Celebrating 30 Years

The great part about anniversaries is taking time to reflect. Delving into our magazine archives, we once again came face to face with the passionate people who strengthen our communities and the creative artists who fill the Valley with art, song and laughter.