When you get your vehicle repaired at Boyd Autobody & Glass you are also helping support your community and some great charities. Every year, Boyd donates a portion of every customer’s invoice to charity.
In addition, all proceeds from their Annual Father’s Day Car Show go to their charity of choice. Over the years Boyd has donated over $350,000 to various charities in the Okanagan. Last year they raised $11,175 for the Canadian Cancer Society. This year they are helping the BC Professional Firefighters Burn Fund Camp for Kids. From purchasing 800 boxes of Girl Guides cookies—twice—to buying 800 boxes of almonds to support Breast Cancer Research, Boyd is proud to give back.
Whether you need collision repair, glass repair or glass replacement, the staff at Boyd Autobody & Glass will ensure the repair is done right. And you can drive away knowing you have helped a worthy charity.