gen Z

Matt Broman

130417_Matt_112Rutland Senior Secondary
2013 Grad
Rugby guy with a heart

Friends say this native of Kelowna, is tough and committed. “My main strength is my determination.” But this fourth generation Métis also cooks and writes poetry. Matt’s specialty—seafood paella.

Quintessential career: nurse. I’ve applied to UBC-O. A doctor can tell someone they’ll be OK but a nurse can make them feel OK.

Favourite subjects: English and EMR (emergency medical response). English allows self-expression. Not just a hulking rugby mass—I have depth. EMR allows me to help out in any situation.

Independence: worked at Mara Lumber for two years. Will move to University of Victoria after two years at UBC-O. Life is all about stepping out of your comfort zones.

Environment in 50 years: live at Black Mountain. Don’t want high-rises messing up my mountains.

Helping out: volunteer with scouts in walks for multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy.

Fitness find: teased for being overweight in Grade 7. In Grade 8, rugby coach Ms. McManus encouraged me to try out. Had the best time. Winter? Skied until age two. Snowboarded at Big White ever since.

Must have technology: iPhone to stay in touch with family. Plans change, things happen.

Social media: as Rutland Senior Secondary rugby team captain use Facebook for posting schedules and pictures.

eReader or print: can connect with a book in my hands. Can feel the writing. Don’t have to charge it.

Creative outlet: write slam poetry, limericks, Tanka, concrete poems. May be a beastly rugby player, but I’m a sensitive guy.

Lasting life lesson: not what others think of you, but what you think of yourself that’s important.

Downtime: running near Black Mountain to release stress and clear the mind.

Movies or documentaries: movies tell stories that allow personal connections. Recent favourite The Kite Runner.

Favourite spot in the world: as a kid, lying in the front yard tucked under blankets with my parents, watching the stars.

Celebrating 30 Years

The great part about anniversaries is taking time to reflect. Delving into our magazine archives, we once again came face to face with the passionate people who strengthen our communities and the creative artists who fill the Valley with art, song and laughter.