Return of the Sockeye Feature

October 2012

October 2012

Each net wriggling with sockeye is a triumph. When the population returning to the Okanagan lakes chain reached a critical low in the mid-1990s, no one was sure that the Okanagan sockeye run could be brought back. Yet the fish have finally, miraculously, returned to Osoyoos Lake, in quantities that have exceeded even the most optimistic projections.

[BlockQuote quote=”A crew of four well-muscled men work steadily, arm over arm, pulling up the nets pinched between a 38-foot purse seiner and a low-sided packing boat. One of the fishermen plucks a rogue carp from the net and tosses it back into Osoyoos Lake… ” author=”

Read the original feature by Jennifer Cockrall-King ” sourcetitle=”Return of the Okanagan Sockeye” sourceurl=””]

Return of the sockeye