2015 Best Restaurant Awards


The most democratic way of discovering a new favourite restaurant is to keep this issue and try them all. Our readers picked ’em and we’re revealing ’em, right here in this, the 21st Annual Okanagan Life Readers’ Choice Best Restaurants edition. People want to know what you’re famous for and we take courageous pride in creating, tabulating and publishing the most trusted and interesting list of our readers’ best bets.  This year the voting literally went through the proverbial roof. Also this year, we returned to Kamloops as a fourth region of BC — the Thompson — where we successfully published  Thompson Life for  five years.

Anthony Bourdain famously said, “If anything is good for pounding humility into you permanently, it’s the restaurant business.” Is there a harder-working group of citizens in our communities? Combined with the exceptional craftsmanship of the great BC Wine industry, these restaurants, pubs and other gastronomical destinations are the pot at the end of the rainbow — pure delight. And thank you to all of Okanagan Life’s most positive democratic voters — you have spoken — and we have an exceptional story we aptly named Best Restaurants! —John Paul Byrne, Publisher

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