Month: September 2012

Giving Others a Boost

At the end of a gorgeous summer afternoon I pass through the entrance to Heaven’s Gate. Guided by a couple of smiling volunteers I squeeze into the winery’s jam-packed parking lot, then make my way to the patio where I spot a tiny dynamo…

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Case of the Missing Cake

It was 1967. A culprit had made off with a piece of cake and Mom and Dad were on the case. Deliciously, I anticipated and welcomed the trial as we assembled in the kitchen because innocence was mine. My eight-year-old eyes sneered…

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Dané & Julie Le Roux

Dané le Roux sits in bed and for a moment the then 12-year-old thinks before she picks up her ballpoint pen and notebook. After filling three pages of whatever comes to mind, she hands the notebook to her mirror image sister. Julie scans through the words. “Well, this is good…”

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